Live Oak

Quercus virginiana




Next to Southern Magnolia, Live Oak is the quintessential tree of the south. The stately tree can live well past 200 years and requires LOTS of space to spread. Mature height reaches 80 feet tall, but the spread of the majestic canopy can reach 90 wide. Definitely not for small spaces, but if you have room to grow and need a shade tree, Live oaks are a great choice. The dark green, waxy, round leaves hold through the winter, and ‘shed’ in the springtime. Live oaks are an important habitat and food tree for many local birds and other wildlife.

Features & Benefits

  • Evergreen foliage in winter. Leaves shed in spring when new leaves emerge.
  • Very long-lived trees with very hard wood.
  • Large, spreading size makes them ideal for large properties and parks.
  • Important habitat and food source tree for many birds and other wildlife.

Care & Space

  • Plant in full sun and provide LOTS of room for canopy to spread.
  • Adapts to almost any soil but performs best in well-draining soil.
  • Plant Height: 80’
  • Plant Width: 90’-100’
  • Plant away from homes & sidewalks to accommodate large canopy and roots.
  • USDA Zones 7-10